We believe that every Texas student deserves access to the information they need to stay safe and healthy.
Our Texas is Ready initiative supports communities and school districts in implementing high-quality health education. For more information about this work, visit texasisready.org.
What has changed for sex education in Texas?
- New health standards: In November 2020, for the first time in more than two decades, the State Board of Education updated the minimum curriculum standards that guide sex education in Texas. These new standards include medically accurate information about topics such as contraception, prevention of sexually transmitted infections, and healthy relationships offered at the middle and high school level. You can read the new standards here.
- New state laws: In 2021, the Texas legislature put in place new laws that guide sex education in Texas. These laws cover topics such as parent access to curriculum, the school district adoption process for curriculum, operating procedures for school health advisory councils, and opt-in requirements for sex education. You can learn more at www.texasisready.org