Healthy Futures of Texas advocates at the local, state, and federal levels for public policies that increase young Texans’ knowledge and access to equitable sexual health education, contraception, and resources.


Learn about the causes we’re advocating for:

Access to health care

  • Contraceptive Coverage in CHIP: Texas is the only state in the nation that does not cover birth control for teens on the children’s health insurance program. Learn more here.  
  • Consent to birth control: Texas has one of the highest rates of repeat teen pregnancy in the nation, but young parents aren’t allowed to consent to their own birth control.  
  • Health care access: Health care access in Texas can be confusing. We’re here to help. Learn more here.

Access to information

Healthy Futures of Texas advocates for policies that help Texas youth access the information they need to stay safe and healthy, including school-based sex education.

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Federal policy

Healthy Futures of Texas monitors federal policy related to adolescent reproductive health, including programs that provide access to healthcare and access to information.

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Policy resources

View our policy resources, including public comments, bill trackers, research and data.

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Take policy action

Across Texas, people like you are showing up and lending their voices to our issues.

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Bill Tracker

Every legislative session, Healthy Futures tracks proposed bills impacting adolescent health. 

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The Bill Game

An engaging dice game that explains how the legislative process works in Texas. You’re a bill – can you become a law?

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