Though teen birth rates have declined in recent years, STIs are increasing among Texas youth. Some of this increase may be due to declining condom usage, changes in access to health care, or other factors, as well as better screening.


The data tool below shows rates and counts of sexually transmitted infections in youth and among all ages, by year and Texas county. You can use the orange button on the top right to toggle between map and trend line views.

Texas reports data for 4 sexually transmitted infections. Between 2019 – 2023, Texas saw the following increases in case counts among young people aged 15-23.

Additionally, the state has seen a staggering 70% increase in congenital syphilis cases in the last four years. Congenital syphilis occurs when a pregnant woman transmits syphilis to her baby, and can result in the baby’s death or lifelong disability. 24% of congenital syphilis cases nationwide are reported in Texas.