Texas Nonprofit Empowers Parents & Youth to Help Reduce Teen Birth Rates and STIs

Campaign helps parents talk with teens about healthy relationships & sexual health


SAN ANTONIO (Feb. 17, 2025) – Research shows that parent-youth communication is key to reducing risky adolescent sexual behaviors, yet many parents feel unprepared to have important discussions about healthy relationships with their teens. And while teen birth rates have declined in recent years, STIs are increasing among Texas youth. A majority of new STI cases in Texas occur in youth aged 15-24, including a 76% increase in syphilis between 2019 – 2023. 

A new statewide public awareness campaign, “Confident Parents Raise Confident Teens,” aims to address this. Through this campaign, Talk About It Texas (TAIT) — an initiative powered by Healthy Futures of Texas — seeks to empower parents by giving them the tools and confidence to guide conversations with their teens and young adults. 

“Healthy Futures of Texas believes that strong families are the foundation of healthy communities, and our programs empower parents to take concrete steps that protect their teens’ health and future,” said Evelyn Delgado, President of Healthy Futures of Texas. “We help parents build the skills to have open, informed conversations about relationships and sexual health, guide them in staying involved in their teens’ daily lives, and support them in connecting their teens with appropriate healthcare resources. Research shows that these three actions are key to reducing teens’ risk of pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections.”

The campaign aims to reach nearly five million Texas parents and youth in Dallas, San Antonio, and the Rio Grande Valley through targeted ads on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and on six digital billboards in Dallas. Dallas has the highest teen birth rate of any American city with a population above one million. The billboard locations were strategically selected to reach Dallas communities with the highest need. 

Moreover, Dallas zip code 75217 has the highest number of teen births in Dallas, and along with neighboring areas 75211, 75216, and 75223, shows teen birth rates significantly higher than the state average. These ZIP codes alone account for more than 330 teen births in 2023, highlighting the urgent need for parent-youth communication resources in these communities.

“Many of our youth and parents express that in-the-car conversations help them feel at ease, especially around topics that may feel uncomfortable initially,” said Joanna Gamez, Senior Director of Marketing & Communications for HFTX. “By placing billboards along major highways

that serve these communities, our data-driven approach ensures parents have access to the tools and support they need when these natural moments of connection arise.”

The Confident Parents Raise Confident Teens campaign reaches Texas parents and youth to ensure they have access to information and resources to make healthy decisions. Programs are available online or in-person in Austin, Dallas, San Antonio, and the Rio Grande Valley. Parents can register for programs at https://talkaboutittx.org/parentprograms/.  

TalkAboutItTexas.org is also active 24/7 for parents and young adults to ask questions.

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