We offer a wide variety of programs to work alongside youth-serving professionals and are able to deliver many different curricula to fit the needs of youth in different communities. Our programs create an engaging, positive learning environment that promotes student growth and well-being.


Our trained facilitators are available to implement programming at schools and community-based organizations in some communities across Texas. Our programs include puberty education for middle school students and sex education for junior high schoolers and high schoolers. We also have programs for young adults, parents, and caregivers.

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Higher Education

Higher education programming supports young adults in community colleges and university campuses in Austin, San Antonio, and the Rio Grande Valley. Our work aims to prevent unplanned pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections through education programs and referrals to youth-friendly clinics and resources to support educational success and student retention in higher education settings.

Campus Conversations

Youth in Care

Our Foster Youth programming promotes connectivity, safety and empowerment amongst our youth participants. Our program has been developed through a trauma-informed lens for youth to practice strategies for healthy communication and consent, to get information about sexual health and pregnancy prevention, and learn about accessing sexual and reproductive health services.

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Faith & Communities

Our BRI.A “Brillante Amor” program works to support young people by working alongside youth-serving and faith communities across Texas. BRI.A strives to support youth in learning about healthy relationships, boundary and goal setting, healthy communication techniques, and sexual and reproductive health education. We also provide and support youth serving professionals through training and workshops.

Interested in a program we offer?

Contact us to book an implementation with a relevant program today.